Attachments: Rifle Laser. Power-varies due
to range 10(point blank)/10 Rate of Fire-2/10 Accuracy-varies due to range/10 Range-2/10 Overall-3.5/10 As with all Shotguns,
they have the power but without any range, great for protecting or close quarters
Attachments: Red Dot, Suppressor 2, Rifle Laser. Power-4/10
Rate of Fire-7/10 Accuracy-5/10 Range-6/10 Overall-5.5/10 Small machine guns just dint pack the punch or have the range
that the assault rifles do....but with their low weight they can make up for heavier weapons combos.
Attachments: Red Dot, Suppressor 2, Rifle Laser. Power-4/10
Rate of Fire-8/10 Accuracy4/10 Range-3/10 Overall-4.5/10 Small machine guns just don't pack the punch or have the range
that the assault rifles do....but with their low weight they can make up for heavier weapons combos.
Attachments: GL-36, Thermal, Low Scope, Medium
Scope, High Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Rifle Laser, Front Grip. Power-5/10 Rate of Fire-7/10
Accuracy-4/10 Range-4/10 Overall-5/10 Small machine guns just dint pack the punch or have the range that the assault rifles
do....but with their low weight they can make up for heavier weapons combos.
IW-80 A2
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
High Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Rifle Laser, Front Grip. Power-?/10 Rate of Fire-?/10 Accuracy?/10
Range-?/10 Overall-?/10
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
High Scope, 4X Scope, Bi pod 3. Power-8/10 Rate of Fire-4/10 Accuracy-9/10 Range-8/10 Overall-7/10 Not a bad sniper
rifle, it has very good range and accuracy....but its biggest draw back is its weight.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
High Scope, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Bi-pod 3. Power-7/10 Rate of Fire-8/10 Accuracy-8/10 Range-6/10 Overall-7/10 The
M-14's greatest points are its ability to double as a sniper rifle or full-auto rifle, it has impressive accuracy and a high
fire rate.
Attachments: M203 Frag, M203 HE, Thermal, Low
Scope, Medium Scope, High Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Rifle Laser. Power-8/10 Rate of Fire-8/10
Accuracy-8/10 Range-7/10 Overall-8/10 The only thing that hampers the M-16 is the lack of it only shoots
in single or 3 round burst....but is deadly accurate and highly reliable.
Attachments: Low Scope, 4X Scope, Rifle Laser. Power-varies
due to range 10(point blank)/10 Rate of Fire-5/10 Accuracy-varies due to range-/10 Range-3/10 Overall-4.5/10 This shotgun
is the exception to the it has a semi-auto fire rate...great for close quarter combat or just clearing a room.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
4X Scope, Bi-pod 3. Power-10/10 Rate of Fire-1/10 Accuracy-8/10 Range-9/10 Overall-7/10 A superb sniper rifle that uses
.50 cal bullets, this gun is a one shot wonder though, due to the lack of a suppressor of any kind, dont miss.
Attachments: M203 Frag, M203 HE, Thermal, Low
Scope, Medium Scope, High Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Rifle Laser, Front Grip. Power-6/10 Rate
of Fire-7/10 Accuracy-8/10 Range-7/10 Overall-7/10 The M4A1 can use a very assorted combination of attachments, making
it a favorite for battle field veterans.
Attachments: Low Scope, Medium Scope, 4X Scope,
Bi-pod 2 Power-5/10 Rate of Fire-8/10 Accuracy-3/10 Range-5/10 Overall-5/10 The strong points for a heavy machine gun
is the amount of ammo they can carry...they hardly ever need to be reloaded.
Attachments: GL-36, M25 Fireburst, Thermal, Low
Scope, Medium Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Bi-pod 1. Power-7/10 Rate of Fire-7/10 Accuracy-8/10
Range-8/10 Overall-7.5/10 This is arguable the best addition to the SEAL's arsenal, with a wide assortment of attachment's,
It will replace earlier models.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
High Scope, 4X Scope, Bi-pod 3. Power-10/10 Rate of Fire-2/10 Accuracy-9/10 Range-9/10 Overall-7.5/10 Both powerful
and accurate, this one shot wonder can even Pierce light armor.
MK .48
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
RED DOT, 4X Scope, Bi-pod 1, Rifle Laser, Front Grip. Power-6/10 Rate of Fire-8/10 Accuracy-5/10 Range-7/10 Overall-6.5/10 Here
we have a HMG that thinks its part assault and sniper rifle, great for hosing down a room full of Terrorist's or equip a scope
and sit back and enjoy.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Bi-pod 3. Power-6/10 Rate of Fire-6/10 Accuracy-9/10 Range-9/10 Overall-7.5/10 And here we have
a sniper rifle that wants to be a assault rifle, it is clip fed, and its fire rate is close to semi-auto, nuff said...
Attachments: Suppressor, Pistol Laser. Power-6/10
Rate of Fire-5/10 Accuracy-5/10 Range-6/10 Overall-6/10 If you must use a side arm, then this is the one, it just seems
to be bigger then it really is.
9mm Pistol
Attachments: Suppressor, Pistol Laser. Power-3/10
Rate of Fire-6/10 Accuracy-5/10 Range-5/10 Overall-4/10 Avoid the 9mm, it feels like there is no power at all, I would
not even use it to shoot cans.
Mark 23
Attachments: Suppressor, Pistol Laser. Power-6/10
Rate of Fire-4/10 Accuracy-7/10 Range-6/10 Overall-5.5/10 Here is a good example of what a sidearm should be.
Also: Ammo, AN-M8, C4, Claymore, HE, M2 Mine,
M67, Mark 141.
Terrorist Weapons:
TA-12 gauge
12 Gauge Pump
Attachments: Rifle Laser. Power-varies due
to range 10(point blank)/10 Rate of Fire-2/10 Accuracy-varies due to range/10 Range-2/10 Overall-3.5/10 As with all Shotguns,
they have the power but without any range, great for protecting or close quarters.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
High Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Front Grip. Power-5/10 Rate of Fire-7/10 Accuracy-4/10 Range-4/10 Overall-5/10 Small
machine guns just dint pack the punch or have the range that the assault rifles do....but with their low weight they can make
up for heavier weapons combos.
9mm Sub
Attachments: Suppressor 1, Rifle Laser. Power-2/10
Rate of Fire-9/10 Accuracy-3/10 Range-3/10 Overall-3/10 At-least it can cause a Hail Of Gunfire, other wise, no good traits,
stay away from this SMG.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
High Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Rifle Laser. Power-7/10 Rate of Fire-8/10 Accuracy-7/10 Range-7/10 Overall-7/10 The AG-94
has very little recoil and an increased fire rate, making it a excellent multi-purpose weapon.
Attachments: GL-36, Low Scope, Medium Scope, 4X
Scope, Rifle Laser. Power-6/10 Rate of Fire-6/10 Accuracy-5/10 Range-6/10 Overall-5/10 This throw back to the cold war
era has been replaced by the "new Age" weapons.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
4X Scope, Bi-pod 1. Power-4/10 Rate of Fire-5/10 Accuracy-6/10 Range-5/10 Overall-5/10 This light weight matching gun
has a bad fire rate and is not particularly powerful. One to avoid.
Attachments: Suppressor 1. Power-3/10 Rate
of Fire-6/10 Accuracy4/10 Range-3/10 Overall-3.5/10 Small machine guns just don't pack the punch or have the range that
the assault rifles do....but with their low weight they can make up for heavier weapons combos.
Attachments: M203 Frag, M203 HE, Thermal, Low
Scope, Medium Scope, High Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Rifle Laser. Power-8/10 Rate of Fire-8/10
Accuracy-8/10 Range-7/10 Overall-8/10 The only thing that hampers the M-16 is the lack of it only shoots
in single or 3 round burst....but is deadly accurate and highly reliable
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
4X Scope, Bi-pod 3. Power-10/10 Rate of Fire-1/10 Accuracy-8/10 Range-9/10 Overall-7/10 A superb sniper rifle that uses
.50 cal bullets, this gun is a one shot wonder though, due to the lack of a suppressor of any kind, don't miss.
Attachments: Low Scope, Medium Scope, 4X Scope,
Bi-pod 2. Power-5/10 Rate of Fire-8/10 Accuracy-3/10 Range-5/10 Overall-5/10 The strong points for a heavy machine gun
is the amount of ammo they can carry...they hardly ever need to be reloaded.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, Medium Scope,
High Scope, 4X Scope, Bi-pod 2. Power-9/10 Rate of Fire-4/10 Accuracy-8/10 Range-9/10 Overall-7.5/10 Once again a "one
shot kill" rifle, the M82A1A can blow threw light armor like it was paper.
Attachments: GL-36, Low Scope, Medium Scope, High
Scope, RED DOT, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Front Grip. Power-6/10 Rate of Fire-6/10 Accuracy-7/10 Range-7/10 Overall-6.5/10 What
looks to be a great weapon, it is a average Assault rifle, use this gun only when needed.
Attachments: Thermal, Low Scope, 4X Scope, Suppressor
1. Power-9/10 Rate of Fire-6/10 Accuracy-9/10 Range-9/10 Overall-9/10 This is the sniper rifle of choice for long distance(silent)kills.
STG 77
Attachments: M203 Frag, M203 HE, Low Scope, Medium
Scope, 4X Scope, Suppressor 1, Rifle Laser, Front Grip. Power-?/10 Rate of Fire-?/10 Accuracy-?/10 Range-?/10 Overall-?/10
DE .50
Attachments: Pistol Laser. Power-9/10 Rate
of Fire-3/10 Accuracy-7/10 Range-7/10 Overall-7/10 If you want to stop a SEAL in their tracks then do it with the DE .50
Attachments: Suppressor, Pistol Laser. Power-6/10
Rate of Fire-4/10 Accuracy-7/10 Range-6/10 Overall-5.5/10 Here is a good example of what a sidearm should be.
Model 18
Attachments: Suppressor, Pistol Laser. Power-4/10
Rate of Fire-7/10 Accuracy-3/10 Range-3/10 Overall-4/10 The Model 18 gets a saving grace is the full-auto feature, but
this will eat up ammo fast.
Also: Ammo, AN-M8, C4, HE, M2 Mine, M67, Mark
141, PMN, RPG-7.
By providing stability when firing from a prone position,
this accessory greatly increases the accuracy of machine guns, sniper rifles and assault rifles.
Front Grip
Attached to the under barrel of an assault rifle or machine
gun, this grip greatly increases accuracy when firing from standing or crouched positions.
Thermal Scope
An essential piece that you should equip whenever possible.
Uses state of the art heat-imaging technology to highlight body heat, making enemies clearly visible even in total darkness.
Medium Scope
Provides 3.0x and 8.ox magnification, and can be used
on the majority of assault rifles.
Long Suppressor
Partially muffles the sound of the riffle firing, while
maintaining the range of fire.
M203 Launcher
This rifle-mounted, bottom-loading launcher has several
different variations, including HE, AN-M*, Frag, and M18, which enable it to launch High Explosive Rounds, Smoke Grenades,
Frag rounds and Red Smoke Grenades (used for marking hot extractions) respectively. Statistics vary according to whichever
weapon the launcher is attached to.
Grenade and Rocket Launchers:
Heavier than the AT-4, this shoulder-fired, single-shot
recoilless rocket launcher fires an 85mm warhead that can turn pretty much anything it hits into dust.
A surprisingly light weight shoulder-fired, single-shot
recoilless rocket launcher. Hard to say, but easy to use. Delivers an 84mm High Explosive Anti-Armor missile. Perfect for
stopping tanks and other armored